Questions and answers

What is FBReader book network?

It is an online storage for your electronic library.

If you use FBReader, the book network is a way to synchronise data across several devices. You also can manage your collection (add/remove books) from desktop/laptop.

If you do not use FBReader as an ebook reader, FBReader book network can be used for accessing your private book collection from multiple computers and/or mobile devices.

Which data is synchronised between FBReader devices via book network?

This depends on your FBReader settings. At this moment book collection, reading positions, bookmarks, and custom shelves can be synchronised. Edited metainfo (like author name, tags, series, etc.) synchronisation is coming soon.

On which platforms (operating systems) is the book network available?

On any platform where FBReader runs. The integration is “transparent” on iOS, Windows, Mac, and Linux and a bit more complicated on Android. You also can access your book collection via any browser.

Is it possible to access my FBReader book network from other readers?

Your catalogue can be accessed via OPDS. The url is Unfortunately this does not mean you can add the catalogue to an arbitrary reader that supports OPDS, because it requires Google authentication. If you are a developer and want to implement access to the book network from your reader please refer FBReader for Android code for sample implementation or contact us for details.

Where do you store my data?

Your books are stored in your space on Google Drive™. You can access them directly from Google Drive interface. Metainfo, covers and reading positions are stored on our servers for faster access.

If you upload your book into FBReader book network (via browser, or via FBReader), it is stored on our server for a short time (up to several seconds) for extracting metainfo and cover. Then it is uploaded to Google Drive and removed from our server.

We plan to add other cloud storage options like Dropbox and Yandex Disk.

Why can I trust FBReader book network?

Because you trust Google and FBReader.ORG Limited. If you use FBReader as ebook reader you already trust us. We do not take your information from the reader and we do not take your information from our servers.

For better protection we do not request access to existing data on your Google Drive. FBReader (both ebook reader and server) only requests rights to upload new files and to access files created by FBReader. Our program has no access to other content on your Google Drive.

Does this site use cookies? Why?

We use cookies to keep you logged in on this site. We also use cookies to verify your identity every time you upload a file to the book network. This means our system is protected from possible CSRF attack.